Member Profiles

Giuseppe Butera

Providence College


L.M.S., License in Mediaeval Studies, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (2004)

Ph.D., Philosophy, Catholic University of America (2001)

M.A., Philosophy, University of Toronto (1991)

B.Sc., Physics and Philosophy, University of Toronto (1990)

AMA Presentations








“A Response to Fr. John Conley’s ‘Interpreting Vatican II: Beyond Continuity/ Discontinuity.”

“Word and Deed: Living the Vocation of the Catholic Philosopher.”

“Thomas Aquinas on Reason’s Control of the Passions in the Virtue of Fortitude.”

“On the Identity of the Human Person: A Critique of Eleonore Stump.”

“On What a ‘More Natural Science’ Might Look Like.”

“On The Moral Status of the First Principle of Practical Reason in Aquinas’s Natural Law Theory.”

“Scotus’s Misreading of Aquinas: A Defense of Aquinas’s Theory of Temperance.”


Edited Books


Academic Articles







Reading the Cosmos: Science, Nature, and Wisdom. Catholic University of America Press.

“Incomplete Persons: Thomas Aquinas on Separated Souls and the Identity of the Human Person,” in Distinctions of Being: Philosophical Approaches to Reality, ed. Nikolaj Zunic. Catholic University of America Press.

“Thomas Aquinas and Cognitive Therapy: An Exploration of the Promise of Thomistic Psychology,” Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 17 (4): 347-66.

“Second Harvest: Further Reflections on the Promise of Thomistic Psychology,” Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 17 (4): 377-83.

“The Immaterial Grounds of Transcendentality: A Thomistic Response to Terry Klein’s ‘Spirit in the World,’” Saint Anselm Journal 6 (1): 2-6.

“On the Moral Status of the First Principle of Practical Reason in Aquinas’s Natural Law Theory,” The Thomist 71 (4): 609-31.

“On Reason’s Control of the Passions in Aquinas’s Theory of Temperance,” Medieval Studies 68: 133-60.