The Future of Thomism
Edited by Deal W. Hudson and Dennis W. Moran
Preface by Gerald A. McCool, S.J.
Book Overview
The essays in this collection voice the contemporary concerns of those who respect the perennial philosophy of St Thomas Aquinas. As with the admirers of St Thomas through the centuries since his death, the contributors exhibit varied and even opposing interpretations of his philosophical thought. The discussions range from various considerations of Thomism in regard to philosophical realism, as well as aspects of Thomistic metaphysics and ethics, to an exploration of what the future may hold for the philosophy designated as Thomism. All contributors agree that the philosophy of St Thomas offers the basis for a unique philosophical outlook that is a needed influence on the turmoil of modern and postmodern philosophical thinking.
This text is no longer in publication. Therefore, we are making its contents available online.
Gerald A. McCool, S. J., “Is Thomas's Way of Philosophizing Still Viable Today?”
Raymond Dennehy, “The Philosophical Catbird Seat: A Defense of Maritain's Philosophia Perennis”
Robert F. Harvanek, S.J., “Discussion of McCool: From Unity to Pluralism”
Desmond J. FitzGerald, “Gilson, Aeterni Patris, and the Direction of Twenty-First Century Catholic Philosophy”
W. Norris Clarke, S.J., “Thomism and Contemporary Philosophical Pluralism”
David B. Burrell, C.S.C., “Jacques Maritain and Bernard Lonergan on Divine and Human Freedom”
John F. X. Knasas, “Gilson vs. Maritain: The Start of Thomistic Metaphysics”
Joseph W. Koterski, S.J., “The Doctrine of Participation in Thomistic Metaphysics”
Marion Montgomery, “Thomism and Romantic Confusions of the Good: Beauty Is Truth, Truth Beauty”
Vittorio Possenti, “Thomism and Practical/Public Philosophy”
J. A. DiNoia, O.P., “Thomism After Thomism: Aquinas and the Future of Theology”
Jude P. Dougherty, “John Courtney Murray: A Thomist on the Truths We Hold”
Daniel Westberg, “The Relation of Law and Practical Reason in Aquinas”
Romanus Cessario, O.P., “Virtue Theory and the Present Evolution of Thomism”
Gregory Froelich, “Ultimate End and Common Good in Summa Theologiae, Secunda Pars”