The Vocation of the Catholic Philosopher:
From Maritain to John Paul II
Edited by John P. Hittinger
Book Overview
How can Catholic philosophers confront the challenging intellectual questions of the twenty-first-century world? Among these questions are the relationship of philosophy to the spiritual renewal of the Church, the interplay of faith and reason, the role of metaphysics in philosophy, contemporary challenges to the family, the status of women, and the ways modern medicine can actually challenge as well as serve the dignity of the human person.
In this volume, fourteen distinguished authors take as focal points the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World (Gaudium et spes) and Pope John Paul II's encyclical letter on the relationship of faith and reason (Fides et Ratio) to explore the vocation of the Catholic philosopher. The lead essay considers the significance of Vatican II in establishing a new context for Catholic philosophy. As a precursor of the council, twentieth-century French philosopher Jacques Maritain is taken as a paradigm for his bold confrontation of modern philosophy. The contributors then consider Pope John Paul II's call to develop the resources of St. Thomas Aquinas along with the positive aspects of modern philosophy.
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John P. Hittinger, “Introduction: Odysseus’ Bow and the Catholic Philosopher”
Richard Schenk, O.P., “Vatican II and Jacques Maritain: Resources for The Future? Approaching The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Council”
Rev. Daniel B. Gallagher, M.A., Ph.L., S.T.L., “‘The Obedience of Faith’ in Dei Verbum: A Pauline Phrase and Its Implications for Catholic Intellectual Life”
Sr. Prudence Allen, R.S.M., “Mary and the Vocation of Philosophers”
Ralph Nelson, “Yves R. Simon: A Question of Calling”
Cornelia A. Tsakiridou, “‘Redeeming Modernism’: Jacques Maritain and the Catholic Vocation”
Michael D. Torre, “To Philosophize for The Faith: Jacques Maritain's Intellectual Vocation”
John G. Trapani, Jr., “Gatekeeper of Small Mistakes: An Example of the Philosopher's ‘Other’ Vocation”
Msgr. John F. Wippel, “Fides et Ratio's Call for a Renewal of Metaphysics and St. Thomas Aquinas”
Lawrence Dewan, O.P., “St. Thomas and the Renewal of Metaphysics”
John F. Morris, “Fides Et Ratio and John Paul II's Call To Catholic Philosophers: Orthodoxy And/Or The Unity of Truth”
Edmund D. Pellegrino, M.D., “Humanism and Bioethics: The Prophetic Voice of Jacques Maritain (1882-1973)”
James G. Hanink, “Vocation, Family, and the Academy: Signa Perscrutandi”
Heather Mcadam Erb, “Chosen for Glory: Aquinas On Vocation to The Supernatural”
Index of Names