Truth Matters:
Essays in Honor of Jacques Maritain
Edited by John G. Trapani, Jr.
Book Overview
Drawing upon the richness and breadth of Jacques Maritain's thought, the contributors to this volume engage readers with philosophical essays about the search for truth in human life and civic engagement. The essays examine a broad range of topics, from those that are more properly theoretical, such as God, science, natural law, practical reason, education, and democracy, to those that are more practical, such as capital punishment, eugenics, friendship, love, and art. In each essay, the author implicitly challenges the claims of relativism and postmodernism, specifically the idea that there is no "real" truth and that what matters is merely the perspective of one's own frame of reference. The essays argue instead that theoretical truth-claims have practical consequences, that truth matters to those who are affected by it.
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Editor's Note
John G. Trapani, Jr., “Introduction—‘The Blind Men and the Elephant’: Understanding the Secret of Epistemological Realism”
James V. Schall, S.J., “On the Prospect of Paradise On Earth”
John A. Cuddeback, “Truth and Friendship: The Importance of the Conversation of Friends”
Gregory J. Kerr, “The Sine Qua Non of Love: A Pluralism Within”
Gavin T. Colvert, “Maritain and the Idea of a Catholic University”
Michael D. Torre, “A Fellowship Founded on Truth: The History of the Saint Ignatius Institute”
Timothy S. Valentine, S.J., “Truth or Consequences? Maritain and Dewey on the Philosophy of Education”
Anne M. Wiles, “Becoming Oneself: Maritain on Liberal Education”
Desmond J. FitzGerald, “A Tribute to Rev. Gerald B. Phelan: Educator & Lover of Truth”
Peter A. Pagan Aguiar, “Darwin & Design: Exploring a Debate”
James G. Hanink, “Maritain, Augustine & Liberalism on ‘Judge Not!’”
A. Leo White, “Truthfulness, the Common Good, and the Hierarchy of Goods”
Matthew S. Pugh, “Aquinas, Maritain, and the Metaphysical Foundation of Practical Reason”
W. Matthews Grant, “The Naturalistic Fallacy and Natural Law Methodology”
James P. Mesa and John R. Traffas, “Capital Punishment or Prudential Execution?”
Katie Hollenberg, “Respect for Persons As A Guide to Genetic Enhancement”
Bernard Doering, “Lacrimae Rerum—Tears at the Heart of Things: Jacques Maritain and Georges Rouault”
Cornelia A. Tsakiridou, “Vera Icona: Reflections on the Mystical Aesthetics of Jacques Maritain and the Byzantine Icon”
Sarah J. Fodor, “‘No Literary Orthodoxy’: Flannery O'Connor, the New Critics, and Jacques Maritain”
Raymond Dennehy, “Can Jacques Maritain Save Liberal Democracy From Itself?”
William J. Fossati, “Jacques Maritain and Emmanuel Mounier On America: Two Catholic Views”
Henle E. S. Woldring, “The Quest for Truth and Human Fellowship in a Pluralist Society”
John G. Trapani, Jr., ‘. . . A Truth We May Serve’—A Philosophical Response to Terrorism”